Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blogging from iPhone - not

Saturday, December 26, 2009

extra protection

The iphone white comes in the ipod white familiar to users for a several years now. Porcelain smooth white body with an elegant glass touch screen framed by a hi-tech chrome frame. There's a couple of discreet silver buttons - one for switching off the volume and the other's purpose escapes me.
My gripe is the little white plastic cap on the sim card cradle, the material on this bit feels out of place with the rest of the body.

In the beginning

So I've finally joined the Singapore iphone craze second wave. The first wave came when singtel first introduced this fancy new gadget, wave 1.5 was when the 3g version came out. This current wave is brought about by the launching of the iphone by the 2 other celphone provider thus breaking singtel's strangle hold on the iphone market.
I held back getting a new phone for about a year to get a better deal on the iphone. I guess I'm just not one to jump onto any new bleeding edge technology to catch the public's eye. Plus I was hoping the inevitable entry of the 2 other phone provider would bring prices down and make the data plans more palatable.
So what did I get?
Hardware: Iphone 16 GB 3GS white
Plan: cheapest 2 year plan
100 minutes call
500 sms
12 gb data